The Yakima River Float

The Yakima River Float

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No outdoor guide to the Valley can be complete without mentioning the favorite local pastime of floating the Yakima River. When the summer heat hits, everyone grabs their favorite inflatable and heads to the river. The classic 3-4 hour float starts at Umtanum and ends at Rosa. You can DIY, or hire someone like Red’s Fly Shop, Rill Adventures, or Yakima River Tubing to get you all geared up. So grab your life jacket (be safe, friends), float, cooler, and buddies, and summer is served.

💡 IHY WISDOM: If you need more inspiration, Seattle Magazine recently featured the float in their travel and outdoors section!

🗺️ A couple of launch spots: Umtanum Recreation Site (3-4hrs) or Big Horn Campground (4-5hrs)(fee required to park)

(📷: CWU Int'l/Instagram)

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