💌 Fall-in' in love 🍂 🍂 (#017)

💌 Fall-in' in love 🍂 🍂 (#017)

ISSUE #017: Fall-in' in love 
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Fall is in full swing. The crisp mornings and shorter days are reminding us to slow down a bit. It's been a big year of building and launching. And while we are winding down, the calendar is doing the complete opposite. The Valley is a HAPPENING place. Fall and winter events are lining up and while we highlight some things here, we can't do it all, so make sure you check the full calendar out. Happy Thursday, friends.
Team IHY

100% our opinions. No pay for play. Ever.

get outside.

Last week, we launched the Locals Guide to the Fresh Hop Ale Fest. Because we're digital, we are updating it on-the-fly as things come to us. So keep heading back if Beer Week is on your horizon. As Insiders, you got the first sneak peak. And we've got more coming. 

We're busy prepping our Guide to Getting Outside. We are pumped to launch this. While we heart the beer and wine industries, our outdoor world is just as just as amazing and a major contributor to why the Yak is the best. Again, as Insiders, you folks get first peek. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, have you checked out the orgs that Fresh Hop Ale Fest funds?! It's not all about the beer. And just in, a new cut and color for our exclusive "We Grow Your Beer” t-shirt, just in time for Beer Week!

: Kemper Brightman
Show me the Locals Guide to the Fresh Hop Ale Fest

eat + drink.

Yes, handcrafted in Seattle, but the -asella in "Orasella" grew up in the Yakima Valley and they source their delightful maraschino cherries from our orchards. Up your Shirley Temple game at your next dinner party with these morsels or better yet, peruse their featured recipes for inspiration. (There's a lot of decadent desserts we're filing away for winter baking frenzies.) 

You can order online here. Also, these make GREAT gifts.

: Orasella Cherry/IG


A tip from our heart to yours: Suntides Golf Course Restaurant and Lounge has a tasty, super casual breakfast, along with a mellow, sun-drenched deck. This fall, we are eating breakfast there before our Greenway bike rides and runs. Pro-tip: we park behind McIlrath produce stand and pick up their locally-sourced meat, bread, and produce on our way home so we have something for dinner. Map  here.

: ReAnna Johnson/IG


From @downtownyakimafarmersmarket

"We look forward to having activities for the kids provided by nonprofits and local businesses like @yakimamastergardeners@yakimacommunitycoalition@cashmerevalleybank and @bluelineequipment. Plus our beloved market vendors will be present with their fall crops, arts and foods."
Check out all events on the YAKIMA365 Calendar HERE.
PLEASE NOTE: As with all things we list, if you are making a special trip, best to call ahead of time to confirm hours and details. Otherwise, adventure on, friends!
Exclusively available ONLINE, at the Shipping Shop, and +Energy Massage and Float Spa!

Yakima Shipping Shop  @ Westpark Shopping Center
Shop our entire inventory.
Open Monday - Saturday 
4001 Summitview Ave, Yakima, WA 98908
+Energy Massage and Float Spa 
A curated selection of our goods.
Open Monday - Saturday
6802 Tieton Drive,Yakima, WA 98908
Provisions Restaurant & Market
A curated selection of our goods.
Open Tuesday-Sunday
2710 Terrace Heights Dr, Yakima, WA 98901
SPREAD THE LOVE: forward this to someone who’d like it or hey, buy someone you love a tshirt so they can wear their heart for Yakima on their sleeve. 
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